Library management software provides a better way of handling books.
School librarian work now becomes less complex and can handle in easy way. In past time, if you want to issue any book, then you have searched the book manually and it takes a lot of time. By the implementation of the library system, all the tasks of library become easier to handle.
All the work of library has been done on paper, but with this system, it takes no longer time. The librarian has always careful while issuing books. They must keep detail regarding student as well as about books. In this area, mistakes are not acceptable and automation system helps a lot and tries to keep library management as precise as possible.
The librarian must know how many copies of books that they have and where they are and at which date they will return. The media system allows them to manage all the operations electronically and manages all the details in a more effective way. Here we describe the important reason why school library needs to be automated:-
- Library management system keeps all the record books.Managing such type of records in the library is repetitive & tedious and why that becomes necessary to automate the library to save money and time.
- It gives result with accuracy. All the library of the school when automated, it leaves little or no room for error and library work becomes streamlined.
For managing this, its security becomes an important issue.
Their function can be monitored and controlled all the locks, access points and gives quick response to any security breach. An RFID integrated solution adds extra features to the automation system. It helps us to reduce the manpower work and help in managing to track the books, maps and other important documents.
The online library management software also feasible for teachers. Teachers can now easily issue book sitting at home or anywhere. It has not just keeps the books, but also it keeps the audio, magazine, videos and other e-books.
Library management software is integrated with the school management software.Student & staff members' attendance easily handled by this application software.